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Overseas Impact: Myanmar


Little things make a big difference.

Take a look at our impact across Myanmar below.

Arts and Crafts

Started by: Mya Phoo


Root Cause: The craft community and craft artisans face common challenges such as patents, unstable product pricing price and poor job opportunities


Solution: Lat Mhu Club is the social enterprise which aims to support craft artisans and the craft community.

Agriculture Technology Project

Agricultural Technology Project@ Kayin State 

Started by: Naw Diana



Solution: Agricultural Technology is an online platform that encourages rural youths to integrate more into the agricultural industry. It provides agricultural technology training, digital literacy, and soft-skill training to them.


Results: Seed Funded $3000 USD, incubated by Phandeeyar, supported by USAID, VISA, Proximity Designs.


"After I backed from Impact Trip, I am starting my own project by using the design thinking tools and I compete this ideas in startups challenges 2018 program. Fortunately, I won the prize 1st runner up $3000.

I just want to say thank you to Bamboo Builders. As I said before, Design thinking is an amazing tools which I gained from B.B. program and it took me so far!"  -Diana

TDG Origins @ Than Daung Gyi

Started by: Tan Daung Gyi Natural 

Root Cause: Rural folks only needed small amounts of honey, but the honey was sold in breakable, expensive glass bottles, making it less affordable. 


Solution: Our students developed honey sticks for sale in small quantities that are affordable and easily storable.  


Results: The rural students produce the honey sticks as a form of income and with more than 1000 sticks sold in our previous campaign. Within 6 months, 50 students were trained, and 10 students and 5 teachers were employed.


Beyond financing their schools, these students want make a social impact by donating nutritious honey sticks to malnourished children in Hto Le Wah Orphanage school. They intend to donate nutritious honey sticks to 4,500 malnourished orphans in their community.

TDG Origins, Honey
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